Mittwoch, 11. Mai 2016

New York

New York is much beautifuler as I thinked. We landed in the after noon after a very stressed flight. From the airport we tooked a limousine to get to our Hotel. In this hotel we stayed just for one night, the next day we went to our hotel in Manhattan where we lived for the rest of our stay in New York.

This is the Hotel in Manhattan. You can see with a litle pool and much place to enjoy the sun. We spended much time in the pool, because it was so beautiful. The next day we walked a lot through the old part of the city and we saw many great old buildings. In the  next days we walked through the new part and we saw many differences; much more modern buildings, shops, bussines people.. We also visited some special buildings:

  Brooklyn Bridge                                                                           Central Park

Statue of Liberty

Empire state building                                                                  Times Square

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