Montag, 9. Mai 2016


Today we are in London, our first destination. We landed at six o' clock in the morning and then we went to our hotel. It's the Shangri-la hotel in the center of London. From our sweet we have a wonderful view over the city. Before we went out for a sightseeing tour, we ate some breakfast in the huge room with a nice breakfast buffet. We took a coach to visit the city.

The first thing we saw was the London Eye. It's a huge ferris wheel next to the river Themse. It's 135 meters high and in each cabin is place for 25 people. We needed to wait for a long time, because there where many people how want to go on it. For one revolution it needs 30 to 40 minutes. Because the cabins are mostly made of glas, you have a wonderful view about the near part of the city and the river.

One of our next highlight was the visit of the new, huge M&M store ind the leicester Square. It isn't a store, where you can buy normal M&M. There are all sortes and types of M&M in each colour and shape. They have also special types like star wars which you can buy just there. It was very nice to see that and I feel now 10 kilos heavier, because we ate so much chocolate.

The last thing we visited was the famous Big Ben. We found him next to the Palace of Westminster. Very beautiful to see was the huge bell on the top of the tower. It is the twice bell, because the first one was broken when they tested the bell in the year 1857. The bell is special because it have a weight of 17 metric tons! The tower was built in the year 1858 and it was originally a prison. The clock is special, because is has a diameter of seven meters.

The was our destination London and I have to say it was very very beautiful to see those attractions. We had a lot of fun here but now we want to go to our next destination New York.

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