Montag, 30. Mai 2016


Madagascar is much more beautiful than I thought before. But it is also a little bit different. There are a lot of national parks and amazing animals. I saw my first time a giraffe in wildlife, because we had done an amazing safari. To see a lion of this near.., you can not describe the feeling I had. We were also in a few jungles. In one jungle we were able to take a bath in a little lake. Now we are back in the hotel, where we take a little wellness for relaxing. Tomorrow we are going to visit more national parks and a lot of other beautiful places in this wonderful wildlife country. Here are some impressions from the last days:


Mittwoch, 18. Mai 2016

Los Angeles

Hey together

I feel very happy because now we are in LA! Yesterday we landed and we had a few problem with our baggages. We had to wait for it, because somebody takes my suitcase but he noticed it late. We had much luck, that we found still a hotel. Now we had to plan, what we are going to do the next time:

                    We want to walk on the WALK OF FAME

                    We want to see the HOLLYWOOD sign                  


                   We want to chill at many BEACHES

                   We also want to see many beautiful SUNSETS

Mittwoch, 11. Mai 2016

New York

New York is much beautifuler as I thinked. We landed in the after noon after a very stressed flight. From the airport we tooked a limousine to get to our Hotel. In this hotel we stayed just for one night, the next day we went to our hotel in Manhattan where we lived for the rest of our stay in New York.

This is the Hotel in Manhattan. You can see with a litle pool and much place to enjoy the sun. We spended much time in the pool, because it was so beautiful. The next day we walked a lot through the old part of the city and we saw many great old buildings. In the  next days we walked through the new part and we saw many differences; much more modern buildings, shops, bussines people.. We also visited some special buildings:

  Brooklyn Bridge                                                                           Central Park

Statue of Liberty

Empire state building                                                                  Times Square

Montag, 9. Mai 2016


Today we are in London, our first destination. We landed at six o' clock in the morning and then we went to our hotel. It's the Shangri-la hotel in the center of London. From our sweet we have a wonderful view over the city. Before we went out for a sightseeing tour, we ate some breakfast in the huge room with a nice breakfast buffet. We took a coach to visit the city.

The first thing we saw was the London Eye. It's a huge ferris wheel next to the river Themse. It's 135 meters high and in each cabin is place for 25 people. We needed to wait for a long time, because there where many people how want to go on it. For one revolution it needs 30 to 40 minutes. Because the cabins are mostly made of glas, you have a wonderful view about the near part of the city and the river.

One of our next highlight was the visit of the new, huge M&M store ind the leicester Square. It isn't a store, where you can buy normal M&M. There are all sortes and types of M&M in each colour and shape. They have also special types like star wars which you can buy just there. It was very nice to see that and I feel now 10 kilos heavier, because we ate so much chocolate.

The last thing we visited was the famous Big Ben. We found him next to the Palace of Westminster. Very beautiful to see was the huge bell on the top of the tower. It is the twice bell, because the first one was broken when they tested the bell in the year 1857. The bell is special because it have a weight of 17 metric tons! The tower was built in the year 1858 and it was originally a prison. The clock is special, because is has a diameter of seven meters.

The was our destination London and I have to say it was very very beautiful to see those attractions. We had a lot of fun here but now we want to go to our next destination New York.