Montag, 6. Juni 2016

Back to Zurich

Hello together

Yesterday we landed back in Zurich and went in a hotel near the airport. We were very tired and so we just wanted to sleep. Today we are going at home and our amazing world trip is finish. We had a lot of fun in each city and it was very cool to see all this special buildings, the different cities, the people. Every city was different and i am glad to be at home now and can look back on a beautiful time. I hope you had fun with this blog, because it was my first one. When I have the chance to go again on a world trip I will go!

Thank You and Bye


The thing we wanted to visit first was totally clear: The famous opera house with the amazing roof. But not just the house was special, also the surrounding. The sea, the place where it is.. Everything is beautiful. After the flight which was relaxing, we went to the opera house and than to our hotel. We want to visit much parts of Sydney, but we also want to relax here for a last time. After Sydney we need to go at home for work so this is our last destination. But we can not be sad about that. The time we spend together on our world trip was just amazing. And now some impressions about the famous and beautiful city Sydney:



Mittwoch, 1. Juni 2016

Rio de Janeiro

Rio de Janeiro is our destination where we plant to do a lot of nothing. Just chill on the beaches and bath in the light blue water in front of our hotel. The view out of the sweet is amazing because it is directly next to the sea.

The famous statue of the Christ

The view over the sea
A beautiful sunset over the sea

                   GOODBYE RIO..